Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Second Chance worth taking.

No, I'm not getting back with an ex. No, I didn't go back to an old job. Not going back to school.
This Second Chance goes a lot farther back. Let's start with the backstory though...

Second Chances are a tricky little game. Sometimes they're a good idea, and sometimes they aren't. But at my place of employment, second chances are a pillar of our company.

For those of you who don't know, I work for a company called Dave's Killer Bread. We're an organic bread company based out of Milwaukie, Oregon (basically Portland). The company has a pretty unique background that is entirely formulated through second chances.

"It all started when an older brother gave his younger brother a job–a second chance–
after 15 years in prison."

Dave Dahl was given a second chance at his family bakery, where he created a product that has swept the nation!! Dave's Killer Bread. It is the best bread in the Universe. If you don't agree, you haven't tried it. For reals though. (For more info on the background behind Dave's Killer Bread CLICK HERE for the link to our killer website.)

So, second chances are kind of a big deal here.... so big of a deal that our company makes it a point to employ former felons and individuals with prior convictions, just like Dave. Roughly 1 in 3 of our employees has a criminal background. This is a big deal. That is 100 people in our facility of about 300 employees. You might think it is more of a risk. You might think it causes our insurance to sky-rocket. You're wrong.

Because DKB has created a company that works so effectively with said demographic, the team created a new program called the Second Chance Project. This new project is a way for businesses to see the success of giving people a second chance, and eventually how to integrate a Second Chance Program into their companies.

So why am I telling you all of this?

Well, I got to participate in the Second Chance Project by telling my own story. No, I do not have any criminal convictions. No felonies on my record. But I was given a second chance as well, but in a slightly different manner.

Go check out my Second Chance Story. Then come back here to No End In Sight.


Did you read it? Okay, good. Now before you turn on the puppy dog eyes and say, "Oh Sarah, I'm so sorry, I had no idea...", stop yourself. I do not share this story for pity or sympathy. In fact, that drives me up the wall. You all knew me before you knew I was a sexual abuse survivor. Nothing changed in that 5 minutes, other than your enlightenment.

I share this story because even though I wasn't given a specific moment of "here's your chance to re-live your life," or a moment of "this is the second everything changes," like a lot of the other people shown on the Second Chance Site (which you should definitely read), I still feel like it was a time in my life where I had a choice to make. It was more of a new lens than a second chance. I was young but I was also able to choose how to proceed. Instead of being the victim, I became the advocate, even at a young age. In third grade, I spoke on behalf of the organization that helped me through my abuse. In front of the City Council. By myself. I made the choice to lead a second chance.

The whole point of me sharing my story is to show people that we are able to give ourselves second chances every day. Sometimes, you need a third chance, or a fourth. The point is that we can make that change, but we can also give second chances to others. (Disclaimer: Change has to happen by the person who is doing the action. You can't make the change for someone else, but you can always encourage them to make those changes.)

Give yourself a second chance. Give someone you know a second chance. It's a chance worth taking

*Thank you for letting me share my story with you. I truly appreciate the support I receive from those of you who read this blog regularly. And even irregularly. And thank you for not looking at me any differently. It means the world.

IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW HAS EVER BEEN AFFECTED BY SEXUAL ABUSE, FEEL FREE TO REACH OUT TO ME. If you do not have my personal phone number, please use the Contact Me section at the top of the page.


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