Monday, June 23, 2014

CHALLENGE TIME: 20 before 25

I've been lacking blog-spiration in the last week and a half.

I thought about writing a post about how to quit your job, since I did that last week (YAYYY! I got a new job, but that will be a post for after I officially start!) but realized that's a really dicey subject and I'm trying to focus on positivity in the 'No End in Sight' realm. Not saying that it's impossible to stay positive when quitting, but it's also something that could very easily take a turn that I wasn't anticipating.

I thought about writing on how to stay in touch with friends through a long distance, but had a hard time finding the right angle.

I wanted to write about how bad-ass it is that the World Cup is happening right now.

But then it happened... Today, while perusing the interwebs, I stumbled upon gold.

As I was randomly googling the phrase twenty-something, (because who doesn't do that?!) I came across a blogger out in Florida (Click Here to check her out!) who had put together a list of 20 Things to do before she turned 25. After looking at her list and thinking about what goals I have in my life, I started putting together my own list, but with a twist.


I am going to come up with a list of my 20 Before 25 (in no particular order) and then, based on recommendations from all of YOU, I will add 5 things onto the list. Don't even bother suggesting Skydiving and Bungee Jumping for consideration, because that WILL NOT HAPPEN. However, I am excited to see the ideas you throw my way.

So, ladies and gents... here it is!

MY 25 BEFORE 25:
1. Complete a mud run.
2. Get my Concealed Carry license.
3. Check off another state in my list of places I have traveled. (So far I'm at 41)
4. Regularly maintain my blog for at least a year.
5. Go on a mission trip.
6. Attend a professional sporting event.
7. Donate more than $100 dollars to a worthy charity.
8. Visit my grandma in Arizona.
9. Keep a plant alive in my house or on my balcony :)
10. Get my Zumba Instructor Certification.
11. Camp on the beach.
12. Have two months salary saved in my savings account.
13. Go snow camping.
14. Ride in a hot air balloon.
15. Pay for a strangers coffee.
16. Go fishing with my dad.
17. Make a time capsule to open in 15 years.
18. Pretend I'm really rich and test drive a sports car.
19. Attend an all-weekend music festival.
20. Go on a 10+ mile hike.
21. ?
22. ?
23. ?
24. ?
25. ?

Okay, there it is! Now it's time to send me your ideas! Keep in mind, I don't have a whole lot of expendable income, so most of these things can't get too crazy when it comes to cash required.

To make a suggestion, you can Facebook me, Email me, or leave the suggestion in the comment section of this post! Once I get a good amount of suggestions, I'll go through and pick out the winners to be added onto the list. When the top 5 are decided, I will reveal them on another post (and might throw out some honorable mentions too :) )!

Get creative people! You all continue to inspire me with the amazing things you're doing in your lives and I can't wait to have you be a part of this fun new challenge for myself. LET THE SUGGESTIONS BEGIN!

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