Friday, May 9, 2014

Quarter-life Crisis

As I sit here at work filing my nails (yes, I am blogging at work.... yes, I am filing my nails at work.... that's how it works when I have nothing to do...), I was hitting my first blog-writer's block. I know I haven't fully committed to writing a post every day, but that's what I've done so far so why not?!

The fact that I'm filing my nails at work definitely made me think for a moment. I said to myself, "What are you doing with your life?!" This is not the first time this thought has crossed my mind in the 11 months since I graduated college. When I was working like a crazy person, the question was, more often than not, regarding my social life. Now that I sit with a blank stare on my face for 8 hours a day, five days a week, the question is more career oriented.

Like I've said in prior posts, I am lost in the stage that many "Gen Y"-er's like myself (born between the years of 1981-1994) stumble into. The "What Now" stage. We've been told this magical fairy tale since we were old enough to listen. It goes like this...

Once upon a time, there was a princess named Sarah. She was told for all her life that she would go to college (because no one wants to work at McDonalds when they're thirty) and have the time of her life. Then, a magical fairy, called the Registrar, would give Princess Sarah that esteemed four-year degree, and she landed an incredible career right out of her cap-and-gown ballgown, making $50,000 a year. Then once she had her dream career established, she would fall in love with a Prince, who also had a college degree, and they would live Happily Ever After in financial security.  
Isn't that a beautiful story?! And fairy tales do happen every once in a while. Take Kate Middleton for example. She went to college and became the mother of the future King of England. No wonder people go to college....

And then for some of us, the fairy tale looks a little different. Same basic plot line, but with a slightly different timeline. And maybe a few (or more) plot twists.

This is what we like to call the Quarter Life Crisis.

The reality is that our generation is going into the workforce right after one of the largest economic downfalls of modern history. That means that not only are we searching for jobs against all of our classmates/age demographic, but we're also battling it out with The Gen X-er's (1965-1980) AND the Baby Boomers (1946-1964). THE WORLD IS AGAINST US!!! (Insert dramatic music here) Just kidding... Kind of.

In actuality, the world is not against us. The world is our greatest supporter. Go ahead, roll your eyes at me for being so naive. Seriously though, if the "world" did not want us to succeed, why would all of our teachers, coaches, mentors, parents, and random adults (not the creepy kind) tell us that we had the world at our feet? As one of my best friend's Rachel always says (quoting "Friends of course), "The world is your oyster!"

Our generation is making a huge difference in the world, but we're also taking the hit for a lot of the older generations' mistakes. We could whine and say "It's not our fault that you old fogies ruined our job markets, so we're stuck having Mom clean up after us while we binge-watch Netflix on the couch." but that would just prove Uncle Bob right that we're lazy and annoying. So how can we prove to Uncle Bob that we're not just 22 and living with Mom and Dad because we're slackers? Well you can start by getting off your derriere and realizing these next tidbits:

We're all going through it. 
Even though you haven't found something that truly embraces your passions and strengths, you do not get a free pass to lose all faith. There are tons of people who are going through the confusing time of not know what the future will hold. Find out what other people in your situation are doing to get a one-up on the competition! How are they networking? How are they finding jobs? How are they getting the opportunity to show their skills?

Our parents went through it, but at 30, or 40, or 50... just not at 20...
My grandma always tells me that the average person goes through 5 career changes in his/her lifetime. I have no idea where she got that fact but it does NOT surprise me. Heck, I've already had one and I'm not even 23 yet! A lot of our parents went straight into the work force after high school because that was much more accepted 20-30 years ago. I can almost guarantee you though that they changed jobs once or twice between then and now. The point is that everyone will come to this point in their lives at any given time. Maybe someone loses a job, maybe you're forced to move... You never know. But our parents did the What's Next game too. Dare I say it.... Ask your parents how they handled the transition.

We're all faking it.
My roommate reminds me of this point ALL THE TIME. Our generation is notorious for one-upping each other. We want everyone else to think that we've got it all figured out, that all of our bills get paid perfectly on time and that we always have extra cash to eat at the new trendy restaurants whenever we want. It's such a sad little joke. Why are we competing with each other?! We're all in the same boat, so why can't we all save some cash by buying a fifth of your favorite booze and making mixed drinks at home with pals every once in a while? Split the cost, and you saved five bucks!

Patience is key. Passiveness is not.
Let's stick with the familial words of wisdom with this next one. My Dad always says that opportunity is the perfect combination of patience and preparation. It's so true. If you're sitting on your tuckus, waiting for the perfect moment, you're never going to see it happen. You need to be ready to pounce once the timing is right. Does this mean networking? Does this mean researching businesses/industries in your field? Be ready for the right moment.

As the Beatles once said, "I get by with a little help from my friends."
I am such a support-supporter! That just means that I believe that you CANNOT and WILL NOT get through things alone. You need a few cheerleaders to pat you on the back and say you're going in the wrong direction, or to help you put your tunnel vision goggles back on to get where you're wanting to go.

In the midst of our quarter life crises, remember that you are not alone. This is a phase and it too shall pass. Remember to stay positive and don't lose faith. And why do we stay positive?! Class?!

Because 2014 is the year of positive thoughts. Word.

I'd like to give myself a pat on the back for using tuckus and derriere in the same blog post. Go me.

DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW No End In Sight! Look to the right at the top of this post to keep the positive vibes rolling.

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