Wednesday, August 9, 2017

You'll Thank Me Later; A Letter From My Future Self

I obviously can't get a letter from my future self but if I could, I feel like this is what it would say…..

Dear Sarah,

Today was one of those funky mood days, wasn't it? One of those days that you feel so off and your anxiety kicks in and you don't really want to be around people… that was today, wasn't it? Those ones are the worst because you just feel crappy today, for no reason, but it doesn't mean it's is a bad day. It's just weird. But that's okay. You'll have a lot of those. You know why? Because you're human. Odds are that tomorrow will be really amazing, but on days like this, you need a pep-talk from someone who knows you well, so why can't today's chat be from yourself in future form? So here goes nothing...

You're doing great. Really. You are. It might not feel like it right now, when you have $12 in your wallet and you REALLY want to go shopping as a nice therapeutic day of relaxation. It might not feel like it because you're discouraged with this phase and just want to move on to the next one. But believe me, you're really doing great. You haven't given up and realistically, you won't because that's just not who you are. You keep working hard and that helps you in every aspect of your life.

Speaking of hark work, do you know how much your hard work pays off? I'll give you a hint, it REALLY pays off. When you're me (aka you in the future) sitting at home one night, realizing how far you've come, you'll think back to busting your ass at school, working those long days of multiple jobs just to scrape up enough to pay rent AND your occasional breakfast sandwich. As Dad always says, "If it was easy, everyone could do it." Easy does not make you appreciate how far you've come. Despite how difficult it is, success will taste so much sweeter when you know that every ounce of blood, sweat and tears (we both know that there has been all three…) moved you closer to your goal.

Use your frustration to fuel your success. Sure, your social life is practically nonexistent, you work hard while feeling that you have a hard time getting respect from those around you with power, and your paycheck couldn't even support a high school gaming nerd's video game collection, BUT the frustration you feel now is teaching you the value of money, perseverance, rest, and respect towards others. It will make you a better employee, business owner, friend, wife and mother.

It gets easier... and then harder again, and then easier again, and on and on… That's the ironic beauty of life. Just when you make it to the point where you don't know if you can keep going, it lets up a bit. And then life is all unicorns and rainbows. But then you're waking up every two hours to feed a newborn and you're crying more than the baby because it's really freaking hard to be a parent. And then you finally open the business you've been dreaming of for years, but you're back to pinching pennies and making ends meet. Life is all about the ups and downs. The ups fill your fuel tank to help you cruise through the downs. But you never do so alone because...

You are so loved. When you look back on these days, you will be able to name a LONG list of people who supported you, prayed for you, walked with you, carried you and inspired you to make it through these days when you feel discouraged. Those people are the reason you can say that you made it.

It will all be worth it. You'll thank me later. The tough times come in waves but think of how many times in your life you can look back on, saying, "Thank God I did that because if I didn't I wouldn't have done/gotten/met…" You can SO do this. Beyond a shadow of a doubt. I know this because I'm hear to tell you that you DID it. We did it. So keep doing it. You've got this babe.

You've totally got this.

Future You.

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