Monday, May 5, 2014

Blogging is hard.

Goodness me.

Here I am thinking that starting up a blog will be super easy... I'll find a cool background, think of some witty blog titles, and BAM! - it's gorgeous.

Well newsflash, that's not how it happens.

I've tried my hand at blogging for work related purposes, but the company had already created the format, the fonts, the graphics and all the pretty stuff, so I just had to look around Pinterest and think of something clever.

But after a whole day of dinking around and probably downloading 5 bajillion viruses labeled "cute free blog templates," I've arrived here with a cookie-cutter layout courtesy of Blogger and a new found appreciation for the super creative computer whiz-kids.

So why start this blog, you ask? Two Reasons.

THE FIRST REASON: Become a more positive person

I've developed a mantra that is annoying the crud out of everyone around me but I don't care because it's really starting to change the way I think about situations. And I'm going to share it with you.

2014 is the year of positive thoughts.

Say it over again and let it sink in.

I've always been a "glass half full" girl so when I found myself newly out of college, in a job I hate and a schedule that doesn't allow much social time, I realized I was becoming a Debbie Downer. I've never been an unhappy person and I was falling down that spiral. I knew I had to make a change and so my mantra came to me in early 2014.

It sounds silly but I keep saying this to myself as a constant reminder of my half-full philosophy and I have found that I am looking more at the positive and less at the negative.

THE SECOND REASON: Changing the way I view the future

I keep thinking about how people talk about situations- Good or Bad. Even when you try and make good out of the bad, there's still a bit of a Debbie-Downer vibe to the comments. As a communications major, I love looking at how people interact. When talking about a situation people tend to say, "I'm closing that chapter of my life and looking forward to the next one." We've been taught to see this as a good end coming of a bad experience, but how can we cut out the bad and just appreciate the good?

Which brings me to my favorite woe-is-me comment... "There's no End in sight!" 

Since 2014 is the year of positive thoughts, I am bound and determined to change the way I look at that common phrase. Instead of seeing it as I'm-buried-alive-and-it's-never-going-to-end, I'm going to look at it as the-good-days-will-keep-on-rolling.

So here's the plan...

I want this blog to be about positive changes. How can I make all aspects of my life better? WHOA, that got ambitious real quick! But seriously, I'm going to focus on physical health, mental health, relational health, and maybe even some fun projects here and there!

Now that you're all as jazzed as I am, let's get this adventure rolling....

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