Monday, September 28, 2015

That fickle b*tch named Timing.

I will warn you now, I'm going to use the word bitch in this blog post... more than once. If that offends you, please go and enjoy your episode of Care Bears.

Have you ever heard someone say, "I wish I had time for that," or, "It's just not the right time?"

As humans, we are under the impression that time controls everything. It's not a totally bogus notion. Time has a control on many things; when you get your drivers license, when you can legally start drinking, when I start freaking out about being late... Oh wait... I control that one.

I am NOTORIOUS for blaming things on timing. It's why I didn't sell my devil-possessed Volkswagen Jetta after the bazillionth time it broke down. It's why I continued to stay at a job I hated. It's why I didn't sneak a smooch from that guy before we said goodnight. It's why I get scared about the future. It's like I think that a little timing fairy is just going to pop up and say, "You've had the appropriate experiences now, I'm going to grant you the best timing ever right... NOW! Aw shit, you missed it.... Well, there it went. You'll never get that back now." That timing fairy is a real bitch like that, ya know?!

From a self-proclaimed control freak, timing can be one of my best friends or my worst enemies. I rely greatly on scheduling and planning, but timing has a way of jumbling that plan like a Western Scramble at the local breakfast cafe.

In the grand scheme of things, us humans are led to believe that timing controls much more than our schedules. We think that 'timing is everything' and that the grand timing gods put things and pieces into our lives just when the moment is right. Don't get me wrong, I fully believe (due to my Christian faith) that God has the perfect timing on certain things that may not have worked out as well at another place in my life, but I also think that our collective idea of timing is a little bit of a cop out.

That Fickle Bitch Named Timing can be summed up by my newest little creative equation:

(Availability of Resources) + (Opportunity x The Ability to Pull One's Head Out of His/Her Ass) = TIMING

Let's break this bad boy down to the components...

Availability of Resources-
I will admit that this is the most legitimate excuse for why the timing isn't right. If you physically do not have the money to buy the new car you want, and you can't get a loan, it's very probable that the timing is wrong. Availability of Resources isn't necessarily money, but it could also be an emotional state. Did you just go through a painful divorce? If so, it might not be the right time for you to throw a giant engagement party for your coworker. It's not that you don't want to, it just could be emotional tolling beyond a healthy level. You have to have the appropriate tool belt to work with at that moment.

Opportunity is a tricky one because sometimes it's created and sometimes it's stumbled upon. By reaching out to a couple different companies in the interest of learning more about the career of Wedding Coordinating, I stumbled upon a killer internship with a great event management company in Portland. That cute guy is in town this week? That looks like opportunity if I've ever seen it; go grab coffee! Create an opportunity to get to know someone, to get to know a situation, to gather the necessary pieces and to get to know what opportunity looks like! I believe that opportunity is a combo of searching for openings as well as looking where you can insert yourself.

The Ability to Pull One's Head Out of His/Her Ass-
THIS IS THE BIGGEST MAKE-OR-BREAK COMPONENT OF TIMING. We are so wrapped up in our own heads that we often times forget to look outside of our blinders. LOOK UP! Yes, you just started talking to the girl who works in the office next to yours. You could continue to sit on the park bench outside at lunch time or you could eat lunch with her! She might become one of your best friends. The point is to be looking around, seeing what the world has in store for you. If you stay too wrapped up in your own thoughts, you will consistently be convincing yourself that the timing will never be right.

When the Opportunity is right but you have ZERO awareness of your surroundings, the timing will be off. When you can't find any opportunity despite the fact that you're looking, you're at zero again (because you're not looking hard enough).

Timing is everything but it is also extremely overrated. SEIZE THE TIMING.  Collect the resources you need, gain experience where you can and look for opportunity. You can trick that fickle bitch named timing into doing things your way. Don't let timing be an issue. Live in the moment. As the great Ferris Bueller once said, "Time moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

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